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Private Session

1 h 30 min
185 US dollars
Serene Fusion Location

Service Description

Would you like to unblock the areas of your life you've been attempting to change without success, improve productivity, and be on the creative edge? Access Consciousness™ Body Processes are hands-on sessions designed to create ease in your body by activating specific energies for change. When combined with Access Consciousness Verbal Processing, remarkable body transformations, once deemed impossible, can occur. These sessions can lessen pain, enhance sleep, optimize organ function, and strengthen the immune system. Choose from around 55 processes, like Zero Sum of Trauma and Trifold Sequencing Sequences for PTSD, as well as those targeting aging reversal. These sessions can provide more space for positive thoughts, create greater mind-body balance and you walk out feeling relaxed and at ease. Please select the time and date most convenient for you to set your appointment!

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